Social Adjustment among High School Students in Madurai District

Dr. K. Vellaichamy

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


According to Fair Child the varieties of social adjustments are, Interactive: In which man adjusts to others as he functions in economic, religious and other ways. The existing interaction may be characterized as competitive, co-operative etc., Striving; In which there is deliberate effort toward a better or improved adaptation. Accommodative; Described as some relatively stable and mutually accepted relationship among the participants, Associative; In which adjustment is treated as a step or stage in a general associative process. Less Social distance is present than in advance, but more than in accordance. The participants have reached a modus Vivendi in some respects, as it were, and for the rest “agree to disagree”. The present investigation was designed to measure the social adjustment among high school students in Madurai district. For this purpose a random sample of 350 high school students was constituted with due representation to the select population variables. The study has revealed that the Gender of high school students play an important role on either increasing or decreasing the social adjustment connected with the area of education. Female students have upper hand in social adjustment than male students. Number of brothers/sisters plays a vital role in social adjustment among high school students. The out of the research shows that high school students have upto 3 having brothers/sisters students do well in social adjustment than 4 & above students. Standard studying also plays a vital role in social adjustment among high school students. It shows that IX standard students do well in social adjustment than X standard students.


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